1. 入门书籍 - 从零开始学Eclipse
- Eclipse Distilled, Eclipse精粹
- Eclipse 3.0从入门到精通
- Eclipse Cookbook, Eclipse Cookbook中文版
- Eclipse 开发学习笔记
- Eclipse核心编程
- Eclipse宝典
- Eclipse编程技术与实例
- Eclipse基础与应用
- Eclipse集成开发工具
- Eclipse精要与高级开发技术
- Eclipse开发入门与项目实践
- Eclipse全程指南
- Eclipse权威开发指南
- Eclipse实用教程
- Eclipse完全手册 : 基础进阶高级
- Eclipse应用开发完全手册
- Pro Eclipse Plug-Ins : From Professional to Expert
- Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide
2. 插件开发 - Eclipse 4 Application Development
- Eclipse Plug-ins (3rd Edition) , Eclipse插件开发
- Contributing to Eclipse Principles Patterns and Plug Ins, Contributing to Eclipse中文版
- Eclipse 3.0程序开发技术详解
- Eclipse3高级编程
- Eclipse Development Using the Graphical Editing Framework And the Eclipse Modeling Framework (IBM Redbooks)
- Eclipse Plug-in/RCP开发方法详解
- Eclipse插件开发方法与实战
3. 建模(Modeling) & GEF - EMF : Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) , Eclipse ModelingFramework 2.0中文版
- Eclipse Modeling Project: A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Toolkit
- The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)
4. RCP - Eclipse RCP应用系统开发方法与实战
- Eclipse RCP技术内幕
- Eclipse RCP应用系统开发方法与实战
- 基于Eclipse RCP的复合应用开发
- Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects
5. J2EE & Web & Android - Android Apps with Eclipse
- Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform : Bringing Rich Client to the Web
- Eclipse,Struts,Hibernate,Spring集成开发宝典
- Eclipse Web开发从入门到精通
- Eclipse WTP Web应用开发
- Eclipse与J2EE应用开发
- Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects
- 贯通Java Web开发三剑客 : Eclipse+Tomcat+Ant整合开发
- 基于Eclipse环境的企业应用开发
- 基于Eclipse的开源框架技术与实战
- Java EE 5实用教程 : 基于WebLogic和Eclipse
6. SWT/JFACE - Eclipse SWT/JFace核心应用
- Eclipse SWT/JFace开发实战精解
- SWT/JFace in Action : GUI Design with Eclipse 3.0
7. Java开发 - JAVA敏捷开发 : 使用Spring、Hibernate和Eclipse
- 实用Java语言程序设计 : 基于Eclipse
- Eclipse in Action: A Guide for the Java Developer
- The Java Developer’s Guide to Eclipse, 2nd Edition
- The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse
- Automating ActionScript Projects with Eclipse and Ant
8. IDE (JST, VE, CDT, AspectJ, Z, Zend) - Eclipse IDE 3.7
- Pro Eclipse JST : Plug-ins for J2EE Development
- 可视化Java GUI程序设计:基于Eclipse VE开发环境
- 自己动手写开发工具 : 基于Eclipse的工具开发
- Setting up Eclipse CDT on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X
- Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools
- An Eclipse Environment for Z: The Integration of Z Language Support into Eclipse
- Zend Studio for Eclipse Developer’s Guide
9. 报表工具(BIRT) & 嵌入式 - 解析BIRT-Eclipse商业智能和报表工具
- BIRT: A Field Guide (3rd Edition)
- Integrating and Extending BIRT (3rd Edition)
- Embedded Linux Development Using Eclipse
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